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Services for cultural Heritage

Epitopos takes into consideration the specific issues related to heritage materials (conservation, restoration and promotion of heritage). Our analytical support can help you in different fields :

Polychromes (References: Palace of Versailles, Strasbourg Cathedral, Work of  Véronèse ...)

         ♦ Determination of the nature of pigments, binders and mineral fillers (SEM, FT-IR...)
         ♦ Stratigraphic analyzes
         ♦ Preventive conservation
         ♦ Use of innovative technology (LIBS) to limit the number of samples

Mineral materials : mortars, coatings, stones, bricks ... (References : Prince’s Palace of Monaco, Palace of Fontainebleau...)

         ♦ Petrophysical analyzes (porosity, density, permeability, resistance ...)
         ♦ Petrographic and morphoscopic analyzes (mineral types, grain size)
         ♦ Chemical characterizations (binder and aggregate content, stratigraphies, etc.)

Alterations (References : Karma Ling Institut, Palace of Fontainebleau ...)

         ♦ Characterization of disorders (infrared thermography, humidity mapping, etc.)
         ♦ Analyzes of soluble salts (concentration, XRD), biological analyzes, development of compresses
         ♦ Controls, intervention protocols, legal expertises

Climatic monitorings (References : Hôtel le "Crillon",  Val de Grâce Abbey ...)

         ♦ Long-term humidity and temperature characterization (network sensors...)
         ♦ Establishment of conservation protocols
         ♦ Analyzes of disorders (salts, efflorescence...)

 Archeology (References : Archaeological site of Trémoille in Laval, Archeological excavation of the Carmes church in Montpellier)

         ♦ Petrophysical analyzes of rocks (porosity, density, permeability, resistance ...)
         ♦ Determination of original stone quarries
         ♦ Use of innovative laser technology (LIBS) for the analysis of polychromies and stones


                   Research and Development for cultural heritage

      Epitopos is working on innovative projects for conservation and restoration of pictorial layers and stones ... in order to respond to the problems of restorers.
        Here are some topics under study:
♦ Development of in situ analytical techniques (LIBS, infrared thermography)
♦ Study of blue pigments by LIBS
♦ LIBS mapping of rocks for the tracing of chemical elements (lithium, iron ...)
♦ Penetration depth study of a lithium silicate based consolidant using LIBS (download our poster)
       Epitopos also wants to promote cultural heritage and participates in conferences, publications and demonstrations.